Our videos

Discover our company, our software and our work


Ciullo glazing testimonial

About MCA Concept

Thank you MCA Kale

MCA Kale for work

MCA Kale is at your side whether you are working from home or at the beach

At this time, MCA Concept has adopted safety measures and has taken the most urgent steps…

Our leading software is now diversified into a set of business software packages

Concept clip

About our Software

QR Code invoices within MCA Kale

The main modules of our software…

… as well as complementary and more specific modules

Together with one of our Clients Fasel SA

The main modules of our software (1/2) …

The main modules of our software (2/2) …

… as well as complementary and more specific modules (1/2)

… as well as complementary and more specific modules (2/2)

Digitisation & Digitalisation


The right choices

Time is running out

The world and technologies are changing

Dematerialisation or digital transformation

Digital transformation, why?

What is digitalisation practically ?

Tips for successful digitalisation

What is a QR Code invoice?

MCA Kale application tutorials

Overview of the operation on the cash register and its management in the backoffice

Insertion of a simple entry in the MCA Kale accounting management system

Creation of a detailed customer invoice

Expense management in the MCA Kale mobile application

New product creation in the MCA Kale database

Generation of a new supplier payment with link in the accounting expense section

Explore the functioning and functionalities of the Planning module

Functioning and parameterisation of the analytical reports inside the software

Demonstration of the general administration for your business account in MCA Kale

Insertion of a new contact (customer, supplier, collaborator or prospect) by vCard