
Introducing our new ambassador

Who is Pictus?

Hello, let me introduce myself, my name is Pictus and I have recently joined the MCA Concept team. Here is my background:

I was born in 1993 in La Chaux-de-Fonds. I started out in the professional world in a small business which made custom t-shirts, with different themes. And then, after some time spent in La Chaux-de-Fonds, I realised that I wanted to travel, to discover the world. I decided to take a long sabbatical to travel around the world. I’ve explored every continent, discovered other cultures and had unforgettable experiences…

But here’s the thing: such a long journey costs money. After my return to Switzerland, my finances were in bad shape. Looking for a job, I came across an advert from MCA Concept, looking to fill an ambassador position for the companies MCA Concept and MCA Seed, and the newspaper MCA Time. I updated my CV, prepared my cover letter and sent them my application. Good news, my application had been accepted! After several auditions and interviews with the marketing manager, I was finally hired as an ambassador for MCA Concept.

But what a hassle these auditions were… at the first meeting, the marketing manager gave me the cold shoulder because I hadn’t worn a tie for the interview, plus the team wasn’t clear on their ideas, the script for each audition kept changing. So let’s just say I had to improvise more than once… But don’t worry, my natural talent for communication allowed me to succeed with flying colours.

As part of my job, I explored the MCA Concept sites to understand what it’s all about… Software grouping, ERP, CRM, CMS, cloud hosting, reporting, dematerialisation, digital transformation… all these technical terms make me dizzy.

Today, I’m going to try and demystify all this gobbledygook for you, because not everyone has spent the last 20 years with their nose buried in computer code to develop and evolve management software.

So if you have any questions about software, everything related to digitalisation, MCA Concept, etc., just ask me!